the group CSR Strategy

In 2017, our Group initiated a structured CSR approach with the « Commit Together » program, in order to share its commitments with all of its employees on various aspects of Corporate Social Responsability. By focusing on 4 main priorities, the « Commit Together » program supports both the Group’s strategy and its purpose: "We help to change the way you move".​

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We are convinced that mobility is a driver of social inclusion, and in this sense, we consider access to mobility as a key factor. This is why Europcar Mobility Group proposes a range of offers that is diversified enough to cover all customer needs and budgets.

At the same time, the Group develops social initiatives in favor of accessible mobility, for both people with reduced mobility and, more generally, for people with a critical need for mobility, whether for structural or occasional reasons.

Our statement of non-financial performance


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The Group is convinced that its performance is closely linked to the diversity, the development and the commitment of its employees.

These three pillars are the foundations upon which the Group’s responsibility as an employer relies on and focuses its efforts, while it ensures that any major societal changes affecting the workplace are incorporated as and when they arise.

Our statement of non-financial performance


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By the very nature of its activities, our Group contributes to achieving a low carbon world by offering attractive alternatives to car ownership, contributing in this way to the reduction of the number of cars on the roads and in our cities.

In addition, the Group’s vision is to become a leader in dedicated, sustainable mobility in the years to come. This involves implementing specific initiatives aimed at reducing the Group’s carbon footprint.

Our statement of non-financial performance


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We take pride in our values and constantly strive to adhere to our business ethics, which is a key factor for enhancing our customers’ trust and loyalty and that of our partners.

The Group wishes to further involve its stakeholders, both internal and external, through the commitments made in its Code of Ethics and by increasingly integrating CSR into its supplier relationships. This intent is reflected in the dedicated tools and programs we use, and in our regular training/awareness campaigns.

Our compliance documentation

Our statement of non-financial performance




In 2005, the Group was the first player in the vehicle rental sector to adhere to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Since then, the Group has reaffirmed its commitment every year and has taken part in various initiatives aimed at sharing with other players and strengthening its CSR actions.​ Since 2020, the Group has reached the "Advanced" level, the highest level of reporting under the Global Compact.


In 2005, the Group was the first player in the vehicle rental sector to adhere to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Since then, the Group has reaffirmed its commitment every year and has taken part in various initiatives aimed at sharing with other players and strengthening its CSR actions.​ Since 2020, the Group has reached the "Advanced" level, the highest level of reporting under the Global Compact.


In the context of the COP 25 on Climate in Madrid in December 2019, the United Nations Global Compact launched a call for action to the executives of large international corporations through its « Business Ambition for 1.5°C » campaign, asking them to commit to defining a goal for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions within two years. Europcar Mobility Group answered this call. 

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By joining SBTi, Europcar Mobility Group commits to reduce:

· absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 46.2% by 2030 from a 2019 base year,

· absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 27.5% over the same timeframe.

Approval by the Science Based Targets initiative

The Science Based Targets initiative has validated that the corporate greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s) submitted by Europcar Mobility Group have been deemed to be in conformance with the SBTi Criteria and Recommendations (version 4.2). The SBTi’s Target Validation Team has notably classified Europcar Mobility Group’s scope 1 and 2 target ambition and has determined that it is in line with a 1.5°C trajectory.